Technical network configuration

Network flow settings

Network flow settings

LeftClick uses a synchronization for retrieving content. This connection is secured by a TLS connection. This connection uses port 443 (TCP) to the following domains: * and *


IP addresses are dynamic and don't have a fixed range. This is due to the dynamics of the cloud and scaling based on the needed capacity. In case of a Firewall you need to allow the outdoing connection to: 443(tcp)


When using a proxy you can restrict the domains where the player can connect to. The minimal configuration that needs to be white listed is: * and * Note that no https inspection is allowed because we cannot import custom Certificate Authorities.

Connection flow to internal/external data

In the text and diagram above the mandatory connection flow for CMS contact is described.

Digital Signage Players and RoomGuides can also connect to other network resources. This can go through a proxy to a external location or to a firewall location. In this schema a player and RoomGuide connect to the external data source through the BLUE line. The Firewall (or proxy if a proxy is used) allows the outgoing external connection from the player source IP to the destination. The content can be a Web Service but also weather data, Exchange (Office365) or any kind of data.

The second GREEN line shows a example of retrieving internal On-Premise data. In this case it can use a Proxy (or a firewall rule) to allow retrieval van de On-Premise data. Data is contained on the site location and is NOT exported to the LeftClick Cloud service. The Player or RoomGuide will retrieve the data from within the network. By using this connection flow the can have benefits of the Cloud service like updates and more and secure your data inside the organisation with strict rules to ensure the correct connection flow.

This connection flow is also tested and monitored by our ISO27001/NEN7510 certification.

Connection flow to internal/external data